martedì 30 settembre 2014

IF: Wish sketch

This week Illustration Friday topic was "Wish". I menaged to do a quick sketch:) I don't know if the little boy will menage to a have a piece of that hamburger, a little wish for a little boy :)

sabato 20 settembre 2014

Staff of Ezekiel cover

This is"Staff of Ezekiel #0"cover preview we illustrated for Affinity Press

sabato 13 settembre 2014

Dynasty of Power cover

This is the preview cover we did for Affinity Press: Dynasty of Power #0 by Jami Russell, Nick Doan, and Anahi Delgado

giovedì 11 settembre 2014

IF: Radio

This week illustration friday topic was "Radio", this is only a sketch that I hope to finish in the next days. Nothing better that lie down on the lawn with your best friend and some music.

giovedì 4 settembre 2014

IF: Metamorphosis

This week Illustration Friday topic was "metamorphosis",I have to admit that probably isn't the right illustration for the word,but sometimes ago I saw some great artists doing wonderful things with bubble blowers and I found amazing what they menaged to do from a bowl of water and soap.