martedì 9 settembre 2008

IF: Clutter

This week topic for Illustration Friday is Clutter

12 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

I love your illustration. That little baby is so cute. Especially with the dog holding her up. How adorable.

Alvaro Madero ha detto...

Realmente conmovedor, el color es muy agradable

Eric Barclay ha detto...

Beautiful colors! Excellent illustration.

ELLA ELVIANA ha detto...

uh oh. should i feel sorry for the baby? it looks hurt to me! nice illo though!

Juan ha detto...

Great stuff. Beautifully done!

Heather ha detto...

This is so cute and fun. I have a great sense of what is about to happen next.

Sara Burrier ha detto...

Very sweet and calm. The concept is original because of the dog and the fact that it looks like she's in a diaper. Beautifully executed.

Loni Edwards ha detto...

I love it! Such sweet subject matter! Beautiful colors!

Eugenia Gina ha detto...

Is it going to be a clutter or not, welll what I see here is something beautiful :) cute work :)

Faruffa ha detto...

I colori sono eccellenti, danno gioia e allegria così come il soggetto carico di tenerezza :o)

Julia Yu ha detto...

The baby and the dog make a good team, but I won't say they would do a good job, heehee. Very clever idea!

Tomás Serrano ha detto...

Molto bello! I liked the figures and the color and specialy the background. Very nice (as the other works you have done)