mercoledì 17 novembre 2010

Immovable colored

This was for IF Immovable,I finished the color version
only today,hope you like it:)

25 commenti:

sketched out ha detto...

Awwww, that is so wonderful! Never an easy task getting the pooches and the kitties to the vet, eh?

Hey, I'm finally picking my head up again so I can visit my favorite blog peeps and, wow, love what you've done with the place. Nice redesign! Your banner is fabulous!!

Abz ha detto...

Haha, this is great- what a HUGE dog! :)

Thanks for the great comments- look out for the newer stuff soon...! ;)

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn ha detto...

Have you been spying on me when I take my Yogibear to the vets?? This made me laugh!!!

MrBibleHead ha detto...

Hey Monica! Love your characters! The dog is perfectly illustrated. Stubborn and adorable! Love the little girl using all her strength!

roberta baird ha detto...

Ha! That dog isn't going anywhere!

Bella Sinclair ha detto...

YAY! The colors make it come to life! Hahahahaha, I just love the expression on the dog. :)

Cassandra ha detto...

Ah how cute!! Love that dog!

Vanessa Brantley Newton ha detto...

This is so very delightful and fun. Love that color.

studio lolo ha detto...

I worked for veterinarians most of my life. This is so perfect and true!!

I love the new header ;)

Krista ha detto...

Sweet! Love the Dream Chasers cover! Excellent!

donny* ha detto...

Haha! Excellent illustration! That reminds me so much of my dog when she puts on her 'brakes' as we head out for her yearly checkup.

Unknown ha detto...

I love the way you paint, beautiful illustrations.

Paige Keiser ha detto...

Hahaha this is so sweet, and love the watercolors!

Mónica ha detto...

Make me smile, I like very much this scene and colors. Thanks for this happy moment. Kind regards

Juan ha detto...

Very nice stuff!

Jo Potter ha detto...

Haha... I love this illustration Monica!
The dog's expression is wonderful.;-D
Good to see you some of your new work.
All the best.

k.h.whitaker ha detto...

I like the header Monica, it's new isn't it? or maybe just new since my last visit... :) looks like my dog when I want to give her a bath!

AtelierBrigitte ha detto...

Yes, I like it colored - it is wonderful.

Faruffa ha detto...

trooooppo carino!!!
e mi piace tanto anche il nuovo "vestito" del blog, è così solare e allegro.
ciao ciao :o)

Redeker ha detto...

I like it! I also like your other art work!!

Eugenia Gina ha detto...

just see the new version of your blog, very nice :D
and the doggy, it's really immovable.. !

Peter Breese ha detto...

Nice illo and so very true. Looks like you had a blast at Lucca Comics! Cheers!

Jehanne's doodles ha detto...

oh I love this!!!!

Loni Edwards ha detto...

Hi Monica! Love this illo! So sweet! It looks like Lucca Comics was a lot of fun! Thanks for visiting my blog :)

Julia ha detto...

Hello there!

This is the first time Ive visited your blog and I love this, really funny - you have captured the characters wonderfully!

Sending love, Julia