mercoledì 5 settembre 2012

IF: Identical

This week Illustration Friday topic is "Identical",as you can see the little two foxes are identical and they met under two identical street lamps.I was sketching on a piece of paper and through differents little characters they were there looking each other:) So here they are,who knows what they are thinking:)

5 commenti:

Curious Art ha detto...

Intriguing scenario! What an odd feeling it must be to be strolling along at night & suddenly happen upon one's doppelganger! I imagine they are about to play the mirror game like in a Marx Brothers movie. :-)

oakenspirit ha detto...

This is great! ;) What a neat use of symmetry...

Anonimo ha detto...

Nice illustration. I like the simple colors, the symmetrical design and the line work.

Unknown ha detto...

Mi piace davvero molto! Anche la composizione che spesso ne risente con le immagini simmetriche in questo caso regge molto bene! Complimenti!

AtelierBrigitte ha detto...

Love this concept!