mercoledì 16 gennaio 2013

Cover sketch

It took me a little to post again something new to this blog,but in December my pc died,me and my boyfriend had flu and we had to finish some works.Here you can see a pencil study for a cover for a friend e-book.

8 commenti:

oakenspirit ha detto...

Ha! This is awesome- excellent shading. SO DRAMATIC.

Kimberly M Zamlich ha detto...

This is a beautiful little feels like it was done in the 70's...

Bella Sinclair ha detto...

OOOH, fab, fab, fab! Hahahaha, he deserves the Oscar. Wonderful drawing. So sorry to hear about your bad December. But happy new year! Hope everything is better and happier and healthier. :)

Marica Bersan ha detto...

Che bello, complimenti!

Unknown ha detto...

Bello l'uso del bianco e nero. Complimenti

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn ha detto...

Great detail in this sketch!

Andrew Finnie ha detto...

Hya, raiders of the lost ark meets a man with a pencil thin moustache. And yes, just as Bella says, he does deserve an Oscar :) But seripously, what a superb balance of black and white. I hope your pc twoubles are over and the flu is deflued :)

Andrew Finnie ha detto...

Black and white has a lot of ambience. I like it :)